
Louisville Experimental Music Night

Autodealer Aaron West Corrupting Sea Clark Smithy Tender Mercy Mae K Bubba Fontaine Choir Siren   $10 5p Order of bands tbd

Mt Oriander and Star Funeral

* Mt. Oriander * Star Funeral * Portrait Of Class * Kind Skies Oct 18 $10 Doors 630, music 7

Locals for Liberation – Free Palestine art show

Please join us Sunday Oct 20, 5-8p for the first Locals For Liberation show of music and poetry. This event uses art to educate, raise funds and awareness, and connect community around Palestinian liberation. Funds will benefit @the_peace_dove and @tuneforkstudios Tickets available in the bio of @localsforliberation You'll hear music from: Rachel Meirs Julia Purcell and Sanaan Hamza Lacey […]

Transa Release Party

Trans people have always existed, with many different names across time and culture, often as spiritual healers and leaders. As global systems continue to fail humanity and all life on Earth, the journey taken by trans people – and all peoples who have been oppressed – is a blueprint of possibility. May this be a […]